- the chutry experiment
- Squawk Box Comment Service
- Purdue's Online MLA Resource
- Ankit Hemani
- Sawan Patel
- G Online Commerce
- G Goin' to Mars?
- G Sports Along the Wall
- G Communication at Tech
- G Technology and Privacy
- G Got Genes
- G Privacy and Technology
- G Students Heavily Involved in Technology and Sports
- G Crime Doesn't Pay
- G Advertising and Commercials
- G Biotech Debate Forum
- G Space Exploration
Thanks for stopping by! This blog contains course material for Dr. Chuck Tryon's English 1102 courses at the Georgia Institute of Technology in sprawling Atlanta, Georgia. Feel free to leave comments or ask questions. You can contact me by email at charles[dot]tryon[at]lcc[dot]gatech[dot]edu.
Feel free to use any material from this blog for educational purposes, but be sure to give credit where it is due.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Group Blog Stuff
Just a quick note to ask that you bring in a short analysis of your groups' proecss in the group blog project. Basically, this can be a short informal note to let me know which group memebers did their fair share (or if anyone didn't contribute adequately to the project).
You can turn this in to me typed on wednesday or Friday, or you can email it to me no later than Monday of next week.
Just a quick note to ask that you bring in a short analysis of your groups' proecss in the group blog project. Basically, this can be a short informal note to let me know which group memebers did their fair share (or if anyone didn't contribute adequately to the project).
You can turn this in to me typed on wednesday or Friday, or you can email it to me no later than Monday of next week.
dont forget visit back to
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