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Thanks for stopping by! This blog contains course material for Dr. Chuck Tryon's English 1102 courses at the Georgia Institute of Technology in sprawling Atlanta, Georgia. Feel free to leave comments or ask questions. You can contact me by email at charles[dot]tryon[at]lcc[dot]gatech[dot]edu.
Feel free to use any material from this blog for educational purposes, but be sure to give credit where it is due.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
DeLillo Questions
Sorry for the delay in posting DeLillo questions. I'm recovering a bit from a relapse of whatever flu has been haunting me this winter. Here are a few questions to consider for your blog entries on DeLillo. I'd strongly suggest building whatever entry you write from a specific passage rather than from a general recollection of the text. Quoting from the novel will be looked upon with great favor.
Sorry for the delay in posting DeLillo questions. I'm recovering a bit from a relapse of whatever flu has been haunting me this winter. Here are a few questions to consider for your blog entries on DeLillo. I'd strongly suggest building whatever entry you write from a specific passage rather than from a general recollection of the text. Quoting from the novel will be looked upon with great favor.
- Consider the passage on page 46 in which Jack reflects on his trip to the bank (which came up in one class--sorry for the memory lapse). How do you read Jack's discussion of "the networks, the circuits, the streams, the harmonies" (46)?
- On page 50, Jack and Murray discuss the pratcice of watching television, with Murray commenting that he and his students endeavor to "find the codes and the messages" (50). How does this discussion fit within the novel's consideration of mass media?
- Discuss any images of Jack and his family's shopping trips
- What images of family does the novel offer? How do you interpret these images
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