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Thanks for stopping by! This blog contains course material for Dr. Chuck Tryon's English 1102 courses at the Georgia Institute of Technology in sprawling Atlanta, Georgia. Feel free to leave comments or ask questions. You can contact me by email at charles[dot]tryon[at]lcc[dot]gatech[dot]edu.
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Monday, January 12, 2004
Introduction to Fight Club
Starting Wednesday, we will be spending time in class discussing Chuck Palahniuk's novel, Fight Club. When reading a novel or watching a film, one of the assumptions you can make is that every element of a story, film, or novel contributes to its meaning. Most published texts are carefully crafted; therefore, no details are incidental. With this in mind, read the text carefully, paying attention to language choice, point of view, how the material is organized, etc. In fact, one of the major changes from novel to film might be the order in which certain details are presented (and how it might change our perception of Tyler, Marla, or the Narrator, "Jack").
A few questions to consider as you read:
Starting Wednesday, we will be spending time in class discussing Chuck Palahniuk's novel, Fight Club. When reading a novel or watching a film, one of the assumptions you can make is that every element of a story, film, or novel contributes to its meaning. Most published texts are carefully crafted; therefore, no details are incidental. With this in mind, read the text carefully, paying attention to language choice, point of view, how the material is organized, etc. In fact, one of the major changes from novel to film might be the order in which certain details are presented (and how it might change our perception of Tyler, Marla, or the Narrator, "Jack").
A few questions to consider as you read:
- Make connections between the narrator's "identity" and consumer culture. How does Jack describe his relationship to the products he purchases or the condominium where he lives?
- Discuss the initial meeting between Tyler and the narrator, which is one of the more significant departures made in the film. How does this meeting between Tyler and Jack change your perception of their relationship? What do you think the novel is suggesting through Tyler's sculpture?
- Both the Fight Club novel and film have been charged as being misogynist, or presenting negative views of women. Based on what you've read so far, do these charges seem true? Explain why you hold your position.
- What function do the self-help groups seem to serve in the novel? Palahniuk seems to be treating them satirically. What are the implications of that satire?
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